Join the Défi-Évasion At Home online community and take advantage of our loyalty program. Each purchase earns you points, bringing you closer to the next level and its benefits.
Collect points with every purchase of online riddle games or enigmatic routes. Share your experience by leaving a comment under the online riddle game or enigmatic route you’ve played. Your contribution helps our community of players make informed choices.
Apply the value of your points to your next purchase. It’s easy: 1 point = $0.10
The more games you buy, the more levels you can progress through. 5 levels are available:
- EXPLORATEUR: 1-10 games // 10-100 points
- INITIÉ: 11-20 games // 110-200 points
- PASSIONNÉ: 21-30 games // 210-300 points
- MORDU: 31-40 games // 310-400 points
- CHAMPION: 41-50 games // 410-500 points or more
Explore our games to collect more badges and become a riddle champion. 3 badges are available:
- PORTE-PAROLE: The customer has left their first comment under a game.
- RASSEMBLEUR: The customer has purchased 10 games or more in a single order
- AMBASSADEUR: The customer has placed their 5th orders