Recommanded age
However, we recommend forming teams of up to 6 players.
1h – 1h15
Our online game closest to an escape room. Perfect for a first online experience.
The story
While you were in the library, deeply focussed on your studies, you notice that you’ve spent more time here than you had planned and that you’re now late for an appointment! You quickly pick up your things and head for the door, only to realize that it is locked, you are the only person in the library and, to top it all off, your phone’s battery has died. You have no intention of staying at the library until it opens tomorrow morning, so you’ll have to find a way out of this unfortunate situation!
Important: This game includes some technological tools. In order to validate if the device (computer, tablet or cell phone) with which you are going to play is compatible, we invite you to click here.
Number of participants :
This is an puzzle game that can be played in the comfort of your own home or any other place where you have access to an internet connection! Playing solo or as a team, on your computer or on paper, enter a story where you must solve a series of puzzles in any order. Solving them all earns you the story’s conclusion as well as letting you meet your objective. There are no rules to the game! Have fun, enjoy yourselves, use your creativity and your wit to win the game. You can play the game whenever you prefer, at your own pace, and without a time limit.
For people who want to play with faraway teammates, each household must have their own copy of the game and each open it on their screen (computer, tablet, smartphone, etc.) Each household will have to log into their own accounts which are created automatically upon purchase.
Then, all you need is a means to connect with the other players via a communication platform (Facetime, Skype, Zoom, etc.) so you can see each other, discus and exchange about the puzzle solutions. They are not a video game where you can see your teammates’ progress. Each household will have to enter their answers individually to move on to the next part of the game.
The At Home games can be played alone or in a team. If you play in a team, we recommend that you have a team of maximum six players to simplify communication and make sure everyone can actively participate. There is no hard limit, however, so you can be a seven-person team if you’d like.
The game will be available for you in your account for 365 days starting from the date of purchase.
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