Recommanded age
However, we recommend forming teams of up to 6 players.
Fans of magic and witchcraft will be delighted.
The story
Congratulations! You’ve been admitted to the renowned AGEMI Academy of Magic. Your classes start in September. Be ready and, most importantly, think carefully about which division you want to be a part of. Will you opt to be a Dawn Dragon, Twilight Griffin, or Lunar Pegasus? No matter what you choose, you’ll need to perform well in your classes to earn points for your division in order to win the competition at the end of the year!
Important: This game includes some technological tools. In order to validate if the device (computer, tablet or cell phone) with which you are going to play is compatible, we invite you to click here.
Number of participants :
This is an online riddle game (computer, tablet, cell phone) that can be played at home or elsewhere, as long as there is access to the Internet! However, this is not a video game. Alone or in a team, you’ll enter a scenario where you will have a series of puzzles to solve that will allow you to reach the conclusion of the story and thus achieve your objective. There are no restrictions! Have fun, use your imagination and your logic to solve the game.
For those playing remotely with other players, we recommend that you each purchase the game to facilitate your participation in the game and that each player has their own screen to play on (cell phone, tablet, laptop, etc.). You can connect with your friends through an app. (Facetime, Skype, Zoom, etc.) to see each other and to discuss the solutions of the riddles. To go to the next steps, you’ll each need to enter the answers.
At Home games can be played alone or in a team. We suggest that you form teams of a maximum of 6 players in order to facilitate communication and ensure participation from each player. However, you can be multiple teams of 6 players simultaneously playing the same game.
Following your purchase, your access to the game will be valid for 365 days.
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